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(Past information list)

2023. 12.12 Updated the member 2023. 11.9 Updated the paper 2023. 10.31 Updated the paper 2023. 6.20 Updated the paper Updated the document Updated the annual report 2023. 4.11 Updated the member Updated the paper 2023. 2. 1 Updated the paper A video of “Field Operational Test on Effect Verification of Merging Support Information Provision System” has been uploaded. 2023. 1. 5 Updated the paper 2022. 8.17 Updated the paper 2022. 8. 5 Updated the paper 2022. 6.13 Updated the member 2022. 4. 4 Updated the member 2022. 2.24 Updated the paper 2022. 2.14 Updated the paper 2021.12. 1 Updated the paper 2021. 9.30 Updated Awarded paper The research results on the "merging support information provision system" for the realization of safe and smooth autonomous driving was highly-evaluated internationally. - Received the Katahira Award at the 16th REAAA Conference - 2021. 9.17 Updated the paper 2021. 7.26 The English page about ETC2.0 in the research has been updated 2021. 5.25 Updated the document "Research on social implementation of automated driving services in general roads:Identification of incident which make it difficult to continue automated driving, and survey of public acceptance for automated driving services" (No.1161) 2021. 5.20 Updated the paper 2021. 4.23 The English page about autonomous driving in the research has been updated 2021. 4.13 Updated the member 2021. 1.26 Our homepage has been redesigned