2013.4 - 2014.3 Yearbook of NILIM

Research Summary

Road Department
Reference Number Y130306
Title Research on the utilization characteristics of transportation modes
Start-End Date 2011.4-2014.3
Division Traffic Engineering Division, Road Department
Author Head, Susumu TAKAMIYA
Senior Researcher, Hiroshi KOBAYASHI
Researcher, Katsuaki IMADA
Guest Research Engineer, Tatsuya NAKANO
Summary With the advent of an era with a falling population, aging society, and declining birthrate, daily mobility is expected to suffer serious problems in the future due to the deterioration of public transportation services and an increase in the number of elderly people who find it difficult to drive because of their age. Focusing on public transportation and the status of car-based mobility, this research defined people who cannot easily move about or are mobility-challenged, proposed a concept that identifies such people, and estimated the number of such people.