2013.4 - 2014.3 Yearbook of NILIM

Research Summary

Road Department
Reference Number Y130302
Title Making the constant observation of traffic volume more advanced and efficient
Start-End Date 2011.4-2014.3
Division Traffic Engineering Division, Road Department
Author Head, Susumu Takamiya
Senior Researcher, Kiyoshi Kozuka
Researcher, Hiroyoshi Hashimoto
Guest Research Engineer, Takahiko Yamazaki
Summary To improve the efficiency and sophistication of methods for collecting, processing, and analyzing constantly observed data such as traffic volumes and travel speeds, the following were carried out: (1) development of method for estimating traffic volumes in sections with no vehicle detectors and development of a method for processing traffic analysis travel time data for Regional Development Bureaus; (2) case analysis of traffic characteristics of trunk roads using constant observation data; and, (3) annual renewal of traffic survey unit data that serve as fundamental data for collecting and analyzing constant observation data.