2013.4 - 2014.3 Yearbook of NILIM

Research Summary

River Department
Reference Number Y130205
Title Research on river environmental conservation considering flow sediment and the characteristics of river bed change
Start-End Date 2011.4-2014.3
Division River Division, River Department
Author Head, Atsushi HATTORI
Senior Researcher, Keigo NAKAMURA
Researcher, Hiroyuki SUZUKI
Guest Research Engineer, Yoshiyuki MAEDA
Summary To restore and conserve river ecosystem, the impact of large dam constructions should be well-understood. In this study, we examined the effect of dams on downstream rivers from macroinvertebratesviewpoints using ca. 70 dams and ca. 400 data points within Japan. Our results shows that number of species decreased significantly at the right downstream of dam and gradually recovered due to the confluence of tributaries. The dam largely changing flow and sediment regime exhibited longer effects to downstream macroinvertebrates.