2012.4-2013.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Building Department

Reference Number Y120501
Title A study on Seismic Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Spandrel and Wing Walls
Start-End Date 2011.4-2013.3
Division Standards and Accreditation System Division
Author Researcher, Toshikazu KABEYASAWA
Summary Structural tests and analyses were conducted in recent studies to evaluate the strengths and deformation capacity of reinforced concrete columns with wing walls. Most of the columns with wing walls in the existing and old reinforced concrete buildings generally have spandrel and hanging walls on the base and top, while evaluation method on the effects of spandrel walls on the effective column height has not yet been established. In this study, the columns with wing walls, spandrel walls and hanging walls were tested to evaluate the seismic performance of these members.