2012.4-2013.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Research Center for Disaster Management

Reference Number Y121301
Title Study on highly-developed operations of the landslide early-warning information
Start-End Date 2011.4-2013.3
Division Erosion and Sediment Control Division
Author Head, Atsushi OKAMOTO
Researcher, Yasuhiro NOMURA
Researcher, Yuki OKUYAMA
Summary Early-warning systems for natural disasters are important tools for disaster risk reduction and for achieving sustainable development and livelihoods. In 2005, the Japanese government initiated a new nationwide early-warning system for landslides disasters. In this system, early-warning information is announced by both prefecture government and local meteorological observatory for municipalities to call for local peoplefs evacuation. However, this information hasnft been utilized enough, due to the difficulty of fully understanding the informationfs meaning and realizing the rising danger of landslides. Therefore, we examined the actual conditions of this informationfs utilization and local peoplefs evacuations. As a result, we confirmed that although prefectures are providing varieties of additional data related to the early-warning information, it doesnft effectively lead to local peoplefs evacuation activities. We showed the importance of making these related information to be more easy- comprehensible for municipalitiesf officials and local people.