2012.4-2013.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Airport Department

Reference Number Y121001
Title Development of design method of airport pavement considering Life Cycle Cost
Start-End Date 2011.4-2013.3
Division Airport Facilities Division
Author Head, Futoshi IZU
Senior Researcher, Yukitomo TSUBOKAWA
Researcher, Masao MORINAGA
Summary Airfield pavements are subjected to very heavy loads and high tire pressures. For this reason, permanent deformation such as shoving and rutting are likely to appear. Polymer modified asphalt are suited for resisting permanent deformation. However guidelines for application of it have not yet been established. In this study service life up to critical rutting depth is calculated numerically for non-modified and modified asphalt to verify polymer modified asphaltfs economical validity, aiming to develop and rationalize the design method of airport pavement considering the life cycle cost.