2011.4-2012.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Urban Planning Department

Reference Number Y110702
Title Smooth Wide Area Evacuation from Urban Fires Caused by an Earthquake
Start-End Date 2009.4-2012.3
Division Urban Disaster Mitigation Division,
Construction Economics Division, Research Center for Land and Construction Management
Author Head, Nozomu KIUCHI
Senior Researcher, Hideki YOSHIOKA
Head, Shuichi TAKEYA
Senior Researcher, Tatsuya IWAMI
Summary The simulation program about wide area evacuation was developed supposing the case where a fire breaks out after an earthquake. To simulate the evacuation, we made models for road network, collapsed building, fire building and evacuees or evacuation behavior. In these models, evacuees decide when they leave from their houses; where they go; which way they take in consideration of a fire situation, a road blockade by collapsed buildings, and a road congestion.
By using this simulation program, it can contribute to promotion of the evacuate safety measures against urban fires caused by an earthquake.