2011.4-2012.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Road Department

Reference Number Y110407
Title Study on damage mechanisms of tsunami on highway structures and performance requirements of highway structures against tsunami
Start-End Date 2011.4-2012.3
Division Bridge and Structures Division
Author Head, Takashi TAMAKOSHI
Senior Researcher, Masanori@OKUBO
Senior Researcher, Makoto HOSHINO
Researcher, Takenobu KITAMURA
Researcher, Yoshiteru YOKOI
Guest Research Engineer, Atsushi UJIMOTO
Guest Research Engineer@Taku YOSHIKAWA
Summary Highway bridges were damaged due to tsunami occured by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. However, relationships between tsunami forces and the damaged conditions for the highway bridges are not uncertain. Moreover, estimation method of tsunami forces is one of the important problems in design of highway bridges concretely. Thus, NILIM studied on the relationships between tsunami forces acting on the highway bridges and the damaged conditions by calculating the water depth and the velocity of tsunami at the bridge sites using tsunami simulation.