2011.4-2012.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Road Department

Reference Number Y110405
Title Study on investigation into cause of durability loss and the measures in design and construction stages
Start-End Date 2009.4-2012.3
Division Bridge and Structures Division
Author Head, Takashi TAMAKOSHI
Senior Researcher, Keita NAKASU
Senior Researcher, Makoto HOSHINO
Researcher, Yoshiteru YOKOI
Researcher, Mari ISHIO
Guest Research Engineer, Taku YOSHIKAWA
Summary In order to improve accuracy of durability deterioration prediction for bridge and structures, NILIM conducted statistic analysis on chloride damage of reinforced concrete, using the periodic inspection data and the site survey data. Also use the beam specimens of PC, measure the displacement and internal stress caused by creep and shrinkage, and clarified the effect of restraint by the reinforcement.