2011.4-2012.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

River Department

Reference Number Y110304
Title Research on river improvement planning technique with flood risk analysis
Start-End Date 2010.4-2012.3
Division River Division,
Water Management and Dam Division
Author Head, Atsushi HATTORI
Senior Researcher, Osamu ITAGAKI
Researcher, Shuichi TSUCHIYA
Researcher, Takuma KATO
Summary Research on river improvement planning technique with flood risk analysis has been conducted in two phases. The first phase consists of analysis on estimation of flood safety level in small or medium scale river basins in the future depending on the Regional Climate Model simulation results conducted by Meteorological Research Institute. The authors suggested an estimation method which directly made use of the simulation results whose duration was not enough for estimating extreme rainfall such as 1/100-year rainfall. The second phase consists of analysis on relationship between flood-scale and estimated flood damage in 20 major rivers in Japan. The authors suggested a brief risk-based analysis method for discussing flood damage mitigation plan under global climate change.