2011.4-2012.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

River Department

Reference Number Y110301
Title Research on improvement of the estimation method of flowing capacity in estuary zone
Start-End Date 2009.4-2012.3
Division River Division
Author Head, Atsushi HATTORI
Researcher, Yoshinori TAKEUCHI
Summary After channel widening in estuary, we found that the changes of cross-sectional river-chnnel shapes can be classified into 2 types, 1) river bed changes uniformly, 2) channel narrowing by forming natural-levee. The larger the water depth becomes, type 1) appears, and the smaller the one becomes, the other type appears. Then, we compared the fluvial conditions relating deposition of fine grain materials before and after channel widening. At the same discharge, friction velocity after widening becomes smaller than the one before. So the likelihood of the occurence of fine sediment deposition in estuary zone becomes larger than before.