2011.4-2012.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Planning and Research Administration Department

Reference Number Y111401
Title Research on the management of Public Works Research Institute in other countries
Start-End Date 2010.4-2012.3
Division International Research Division
Author Head, Hiroaki TERAMOTO
Senior Researcher, Haruhiko WATANABE
Researcher Engineer, Tomoaki MATSUSHITA
Summary In this series of researches, (1) Basic survey on technological needs in Indonesia and Vietnam for policy cooperation with Japan,(2) Strategy for Japanese technology and related policy to deploy in Asia in a suitable way fit to empower respective countries as well as vitalize Japanese markets, (3) Hearing survey for private sectors to intend a tie up with Asian markets in infrastructure and housing, and(4) Public works plans in Indonesia were conducted. In line with the results of the research, bilateral cooperation is expected to proceed effectively for mutual benefits for Japan and Asia.