2009.4-2010.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Research Center for Advanced Information Technology

Reference Number Y091209
Title Research on Application of Large-Scale Maps to Road Management
Start-End Date 2009.4-2011.3
Division Information Technology Division
Author Head, Kazushige ENDO
Senior Researcher, Shinji ARIMURA
Researcher, Takashi FUSE
Research Engineer, Naomi YUASA
Guest Researcher, Osamu OCHIAI
Summary For application of large-scale maps to road management, issues are classified based on questionnaire and hearing to the road administrators. According to the classification, some road management works are extracted for detailed analysis. By analyzing the road management works, current situation (as-is) of the road management works are presented, and then future vision (to-be) and development against the vision are proposed.