2009.4-2010.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Research Center for Advanced Information Technology

Reference Number Y091217
Title Research of Traffic Flow Smoothing Cruise-Assist Systems at Sag Sections of Expressways
Start-End Date 2006.4-2010.3
Division Intelligent Transport System Division
Author Head, Hideto HATAKENAKA
Senior Researcher, Koichi SAKAI
Researcher,@Takeshi WAKATSUKI
Guest Research Engineer,@Akihiro SATO
Summary We are conducting research and development of traffic flow smoothing cruise-assist services applying AHS (Advanced cruise-assist Highway Systems) based on the concept of 'Smartway', to integrally realize diverse ITS services through road-vehicle cooperation. As a part of the approach, we have conducted research to create a practical lane utilization rate optimization service for sag sections: locations of frequent congestion on intercity expressways in Japan.