2008.4-2009.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Research Center for Disaster Risk Management

Reference Number Y081309
Title Study on Technical Standards for Sabo Master Plan
Start-End Date 2005.4-2009.3
Division Erosion and Sediment Control Division
Author Head, Nobutomo OSANAI
Senior Researcher, Hideaki MIZUNO
Summary The new technical guideline for river management was reestablished and announced to regional bureaus. In the new technical guideline, the Sabo master plan consisted of five parts - Sabo works in river system, debris flow measures, woody debris measures, volcanic Sabo measures and natural barrier measures. In this study, in order to recompile the debris flow measure, the woody debris measure and the Sabo works in river system, the past Sediment-related disasters were analyzed and the technical guidelines for debris flow and woody debris measures were compiled.