2008.4-2009.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Research Center for Disaster Risk Management

Reference Number Y081306
Title Study on the out reach method for sediment disaster information
Start-End Date 2008.4-2009.3
Division Erosion and Sediment Control Division
Author Head, Nobutomo Osanai
Senior Researcher,@Yoshikazu Shimizu
Senior Researcher, Shinichi Kojima
Summary It is important to provide the warning information related the types and significance of the sediment disasters for inhabitants. And it is necessary and important that the development of the expression index to represent the types and significance of the sediment related disasters which is common throughout the world. The authors carried out the questionnaire to the inhabitants in order to understand the image of the disaster. By the following results of our questionnaire analysis, the authors proposed the disaster index to represent the significance of the sediment related disasters using the relationship between the scale of the mass movement and the damages of the human societies. And the authors proposed international format for collecting Sediment Disaster Data.