2007.4-2008.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Coastal and Marine Department

Reference Number Y070803
Title Implementation of Ecological Assessment Method for Adaptive Management on Environment Restoration in Coastal Zone
Start-End Date 2005.4-2008.3
Division Marine Environment Division
Author Head, Keita@FURUKAWA
Senior Researcher, Tomonari@OKADA
Researcher, Osamu@Hayakawa
Summary Enhancing macrobenthos diversity is an attractive restoration objective for urban coastal area as canals and harbors. To determine constraints of environmental restoration in such enclosed and entrapped water body, survey based approach was taken at Keihin Canal, Japan as a case study. The constraints are elevation of the site, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and silt-clay fraction for overall macrobenthos abundance while low salinity due effluent from outfall of sweage giving additional constraint for short-necked clam diversity. Furthermore, it is a typical urban brackish water area with a presumably complex flow pattern. Three-dimensional model calculations reveal the density flow acting important role on the flow of the network. These findings are summarized on a Map of Tokyo Bay Environment, Ver.2.