2007.4-2008.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Building Department

Reference Number Y070507
Title Study on Hydrogen Energy System for Buildings in Community
Start-End Date 2005.4-2008.3
Division Research Coordinator for Advanced Building
Housing Dept., Residential Environment Planning Division
Author Research Coordinator for Advanced Building Technology, Takao Sawachi
Housing Dept., Residential Environment Planning Div., Senior Researcher, Yasuhiro Miki
Housing Dept., Residential Environment Planning Div., Researcher, Masaki Tajima
Summary In order to reduce CO2 emission in cities and areas, not only the performance of individual buildings but also the energy network and demand systems as a whole in community should be a target of the improvement. This research is focused on the utilization of the hydrogen as an energy agent and the fuel cell technologies, to be applied to the network in the communitires.