2007.4-2008.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Building Department

Reference Number Y070504
Title Research on effective systems of technical standards to restore people's confidence in safety and assurance of buildings Part:3 Fire safety standards
Start-End Date 2006.4-2008.3
Division Research Coordinator for Quality Control of Building
Fire Standards Division
Author Research Coordinator for Quality Control of Building, Mamoru KOHNO
Fire Standards Division,
Head, Tomohiro NARUSE
Senior Researcher, Toshio YAMANA
Senior Researcher, Tatsuhiro GOTO
Summary The purpose of this study is to develop effective systems of technical standard to restore people's confidence in fire safety and assurance of buildings. The survey to check the problems and the needs of improvement of Building Standard Law of Japan, the investigation of the actual situation of the periodical inspection reports of fire protection equipments and the interviews with inspectors of fire protection equipments and firemen who use them had been done. Several items to be improved were pointed out.