2007.4-2008.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

River Department

Reference Number Y070301
Title Evaluation study on River Levee Monitoring
Start-End Date 2006.4-2008.3
Division River Division
Author Head, Takenori YAMASHITA
Senior Researcher, Yoshito KIKUMORI
Summary River levees have complicated history of construction and have been made of uneven materials. Therefore, it is difficult to figure out the strength of river levees against flooding. For investigating the strength of river levees, River Bureau of MILT issued the Technical Guideline for monitoring of river levees in F. Y. 2003 and Regional Development Bureaus of MLIT implement monitoring of river levees based on it. This study is to evaluate and analysis the result of river levee monitoring implemented by Regional Development Bureaus and propose the improvement methodology of river levee monitoring.