2007.4-2008.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Water Quality Control Department

Reference Number Y070203
Title Promotion of utilization of reclaimed wastewater
Start-End Date 2005.4-2008.3
Division Wastewater and Sludge Management Division
Author Head, Mizuhiko MINAMIYAMA
Senior Researcher,Masashi OGOSHI
Researcher,Hiroki YAMAGATA
Researcher,Daisuke YAMANAKA
Summary We established the reclaimed water quality standard for non-potable uses in 2003 to promote the utilization of reclaimed wastewater as a new water resource in urban area. But the reuse rate of treated wastewater did not indicate of spread. It still remains in lower than 2% in 2006. One of the reason of these low interests to water reuse is depend on the lack of peoples' support to the water reuse project, adding to the fundamental needs for water resource development are not strong in Japan. So, we planned to improve the charm of water reuse for artificial waterscape through the study on control of attached algae. Also we have planned to evaluate the economical merit of urban non-potable water reuse through the cost analysis of municipal wastewater reclamation and reuse. An ecological algae control, keeping fish or shrimp in the open channel, was found hopeful as the result of the study carried out in 2005 and 2006. The cost analysis of water reclamation and reuse indicated that the economical advantage of water reuse depended on the kind of purification process and the reclamation plant scale.