2006 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Coastal and Marine Department

Reference Number Y060805
Title Development of Estimation Method for Damage Caused by Tsunami Debris
Start-End Date 2004.4-2007.3
Division Coastal Disaster Prevention Division
Author Head, Katsuya ODA
Researcher, Kentaro KUMAGAI
Summary There are high risks that tsunamis may cause containers stored in ports to drift into sea/land areas. A simulation model for container drift behavior was constructed to enable accurate prediction of the drift behavior of containers. The applicability of the model was confirmed by calculations reproducing previous container drift experiments. The results showed that it is possible to reproduce drift behavior due to differences in the storage location of the container, in container weight, and in container length both for the uniform flows and for multi-direction flows on an apron. The collision force when containers drift and collide with walls at the back of the container storage area was also obtained, and the peak value of the collision force was on the same order as in the previous experiments.