2006.4-2007.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Planning Research Administration Department

Reference Number Y061401
Title Research on impacts of International Standards on Construction Field in Japan
Start-End Date 2005.4-2007.3
Division Planning Research Administration Department
Research Coordinator for Codes and Standards
International Research Division
Author Research Coordinator for Codes and Standards, Koichi YAMASHITA
International Research Division, Head, Junzo INOUE
Senior Researcher, Soichiro YASUKAWA
Summary ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is developing various kinds of standards not only product standards but also design method standards and production process standards and the impact on construction field in Japan is increasing. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT) has worked on ISO standards, however it has not fully recognized the significant standards for MLIT. Therefore, we have conducted research in order to fully identify significant standards for MLIT.