2005.4-2006.3 Yearbook of NILIM
Research Summary

Building Department

Reference Number Y050503
Title Research on Framework of Safety and Security Verification of Existing High-Rise Buildings to Earthquake Ground Motions with Long Predominant Periods
Start-End Date 2004.4-2006.3
Division Building Department, Structural Standards Division
Building Department, Standards and Accreditation System Division
Author Structural Standards Division, Head, Akiyoshi MUKAI
Structural Standards Division, Head, Tatsuya AZUHATA
Standards and Accreditation System Division, Senior Researcher, Tadashi ISHIHARA
Summary It is pointed out that large earthquakes such as the Tonankai and the Nankai earthquakes will certainly occur in the near future. On these large earthquake events, existing high-rise buildings in urban areas will be subjected to sever earthquake ground motions with long predominant periods. This research aims to verify safety and security of these high-rise buildings.