14 Main Projects in progress
    NILIM has initiated 14 Main Strategic Projects, summarized as follows;
1. Measures against Global Warming
  As a part of the Global Warming Research Initiative led by the Government, research programs are conducted, such as technologies for satellite monitoring of precise distribution of flora, measures to evaluate and reduce disaster risks caused by global warming, technologies for ensuring harmonized built environment with nature, and measures to reduce CO2 emission caused by vehicles.
2. Toward the Zero-waste / Resource-Recycling Society
  In order to establish the sustainable and resource-recycling society, useful measures are developed, which may suit reduction of construction waste and re-use/recycle of resources. Also the systems for constructing and managing highly reliable offshore waste disposal sites are developed.
3. Stock Management System of Housing and Infrastructure
  In order to maintain the suitable function of housing and infrastructure as the social capital, the rational Stock Management System is developed, which includes measures to assess degrees of physical degradation and social outdating, as well as to evaluate and predict the effects of improving functions through maintenance and renewal actions.

4. Toward the Pleasant, Beautiful Tokyo Bay
  Sound environment in Tokyo Bay will provide the condition under which citizens feel comfortable, various species of wildlife can inhabit, and organic and nutrient materials flow smoothly. In order to achieve the condition, it is very important to develop measures to monitor the material cycling in wider area of the Bay, to revitalize and improve deteriorated ecosystems, to prevent water pollution from non-point sources at heavy precipitations, and to promote partnership with all stakeholders including municipal government and NGOs. NILIM is aiming to propose the comprehensive Tokyo Bay Environment Grand Design as a new policy.

5. Sound Hydrological Cycle and Sediment Transport System
  In order to promote holistic approach to ensure sound conditions of rivers and areas around them, monitoring surveys to assess current states are conducted, taking these areas as hydrological cycle and sediment transport systems. And soundness evaluation methods, prediction methods and integrated management methods are developed. NILIM is aiming to contribute and provide these methods utilizing as measures to cope with droughts, floods and sediment-related disasters in Asian countries
6. Toward the Harmonized Watershed and Urban Area with Nature
  As a part of Government Initiative, "Restoration of Watershed and Urban Area harmonizes with Nature", environment monitoring in urban and watershed areas is conducted. Management models and restoration technologies for those areas are developed. These technologies restore watershed systems, ecosystems and urban circumstances. NILIM is developing and implementing the scenario toward the harmonized society with nature.

7. Minimizing natural disaster risks in urban areas
  There exists high risk of natural disasters caused by earthquakes and heavy rainfall in urban areas in which properties and people are highly concentrated. Toward minimizing the natural disaster risks within limited resources, it is crucial to develop methodologies of vulnerability assessment against natural disasters and cost-effective countermeasures and appropriate combination of countermeasures from the risk management point of view.
8. Safety/Pleasantness in Road Space
  To enhance traffic safety and traveling conditions, research programs are conducted, such as accident analysis, planning methods for safer road and traffic safety facilities, design guides for road networks reflecting cultural/social context and economic activities of respective region, measures to utilize road and related spaces, and Pedestrian ITS which utilize IT to support sound mobility for pedestrians such as physically impaired or elderly people.

9. Health-conscious Living Environment
   (Measures against Building Related Illness)
  In order to ensure indoor environment in buildings good for safety and health, useful methods are developed, which may fit to assess actual quality of indoor environment, analyze pollution mechanisms, measure and analyze air quality, evaluate and verify performance of materials and equipments. Related information and guides are provided to end user/designer.

10. Measures for Condominium Issues
  In order to improve the quality of apartment/condominium, and to facilitate adequate maintenance and smooth renewal, research programs for Skeleton-infill Dwelling System are conducted. Also Methods for renovation/rehabilitation of existing condominiums and renewal of condominiums, and interior systems fit for renovation of dwelling units, including related regulatory system are developed.
11. Regeneration of the Built Environment
  In order to promote redevelopment of high-density wooden building areas and revitalization of central areas in local cities, it is crucial to develop measures such as socio-economic methods that enables participation of owners of diverse characteristics to housing renewal projects, new renewal systems adopting urban skeleton methods, and methods to evaluate urban structure and quality of habitation in the urban area.
12. Advanced Assessment Methods for Public Works Projects
  To ensure the adequateness of decision-making, transparency in the process and accountability for people as public works, advanced assessment methods for Public Works Projects are developed, which may fit for quantitative evaluation of external effect such as impact on environment or effects for regional developments, and for evaluation considering future uncertainties such as delay in project progress.
13. Advanced Cruise-Assist Highway System (AHS)
  Advanced Cruise-Assist Highway System provides drivers with real-time information about obstructions, vehicles approaching intersections, road surface conditions, and so on, detected by road-side sensors, and with alerts warning dangerous conditions. NILIM develops AHS and is aiming to achieve remarkable progress in driving safety.
14. Appling IT for Comprehensive Land Management System
  NILIM develops Land Management System through integrating IT, GIS and remote sensing technologies, establishes measures to share administrative information of national land, for rapid collection of disaster information and forecasting of damage, or for environment monitoring and assessment.